Live Is better in good Volume

Conversations serve as the lifeblood of our human experience. They are the threads that weave together the tapestry of our existence. From the moment a baby first hears the soothing lullaby sung by their parents, to a child eagerly responding to a question in a classroom, or a dedicated businesswoman engaging in pivotal discussions during a high-stakes meeting, and even in the quiet moments when an elderly couple fondly reminisces about a cherished movie from their past – conversations are the essence of connection.

Embracing the Notion of "Well-Hearing" for Enhanced Well-Being

Shifting the narrative from viewing hearing loss as a mere sensory challenge to recognizing hearing care as an integral facet of holistic well-being represents a transformative journey. At its core, this shift empowers us to foster stronger social connections, nurture mental resilience, and promote emotional flourishing. In this new conversation, we emphasize the profound relationship between "well-hearing" and overall well-being. By acknowledging the pivotal role of optimal hearing, we embark on a path that not only reconnects individuals with the world of sound but also paves the way for a richer, more fulfilling life. It is within this paradigm shift that we find the keys to unlocking the full spectrum of human potential, allowing everyone to thrive in both mind and heart.

American-made Simply Soft hearing aids cover various degrees of hearing loss, from simple to severe.

The most popular device, the Over-The-Ear (OTE) slips behind the upper portion of the ear


Non-prescription hearing aids are available in two different styles. The most popular device, the Over-The-Ear (OTE) slips behind the upper portion of the ear. Canal devices or In-The-Canal (ITC), insert into the ear canal are available in an mini, all-soft body style. Click on one of the following links to jump directly to the main page for that device. When ordering, be sure to check all option boxes that apply to that device such as left or right and color selection (if applicable). Both devices are available with digital push button control or manual volume control.

Simplicity OTE 1500 SAR

– Hides behind ear 
– Doesn’t interfere with glasses  
– Comfortably fits men and women  – More Details >>>>>

Simply Soft 1800 SAR

– 100% digital  
  – Slips into ear canal 
  – Hypoallergenic soft body   
  – Comfortably fits men and women  – More Details >>>>